International Convention Center


The Korea Science And Technology Center

The Korea Science And Technology Center
Section Dimension Availability Screen Size Banner Size Signboard Size Note
국제회의실 950㎡ 550 8m×4m 13m×120cm 55cm×40cm Simultaneous
Interpretation equipment
for four languages
Main auditorium is a convention hall for various big and international conferences with the most advanced facility.
100 Simultaneous Interpretation equipments, Simultaneous Interpreter should be chosen by a event organizer
대회의실 610㎡ 300 8m×4m 13m×120cm 55cm×40cm Simultaneous
Interpretation equipment
for four languages
Main auditorium is a convention hall for various big and international conferences with the most advanced facility.
100 Simultaneous Interpretation equipments, Simultaneous Interpreter should be chosen by a event organizer
중회의실1,2 170㎡ 2ROOM
3.9m×2.8m 6m×90cm 55cm×40cm Simultaneous
Interpretation equipment
for four languages
can be used for various big and international conferences like Convention/Seminar/Workshop
소회의실2 140㎡ 84 2.4m×2.4m 4m×75cm 55cm×40cm 140㎡×1
can be used for various big and international conferences like Convention/Seminar/Workshop
소회의실1,3,4 100㎡ 56 2.3m×2.4m 4m×75cm 55cm×40cm 100㎡×3
can be used for various big and international conferences like Convention/Seminar/Workshop